Everything is different, in principle and by definition. We do not believe in certificates, diplomas, and any regalia, although we honestly issue them without pathos or vanity!
We profess a RODOVID method – a natural combination of motivations and competencies, inclinations and abilities in harmony with ourselves and the world through unity in the diversity of all interests! Singing a lullaby, Mother – being the first Teacher, whatever one may say – teaches the Child poetry, and there is a lot of art around ( RODOVIDmuseum knows how and will convey it )
Look, the baby is already drawing and shoving its little nose into the flowers like a bumblebee… Your Child is one with the universe until you impose on him: you are a person separated from everything and everyone. But every Child is a Creator, while you will not believe it because it is an obvious fact! Always a lot of music, the child does not pay attention at all to what he is not interested in.
Music automatically draws on mathematics and astronomy – the music of the celestial spheres. Physics and chemistry are already near here, not to mention biology and geography, nano-phenomena, and micro/macro cosmos. And all this through the history of the philosophy of Mankind – the chronicle of the wisdom of People.
The birth school does not shove knowledge by force, but ensures the acceptance of everything that has already been manifested and the inclusion in the maximum of life support systems, to always be free from schedules and circumstances, constantly reproducing their worlds according to their own rules for themselves and the Community. Ukraine is me! The earth is me! The universe is me!