Vladislav Morgan – RODOVIDTeacher of 2022, geography
School enrollment (free of charge)
Becoming our relative is easy (fill out the questionnaire below):
Name and surname of the Child;
Date/month/year of birth/age;
A screenshot of the Certificate of Birth of a Child;
What language does the Child speak in the family?
Does the Child have a sibling(s)?
Who in the family will help the school interact with the Child?
basic training according to the curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Science with obtaining a state certificate of secondary education is free;
optionally, your Child can undergo a RENAISSANCEtest every month (level of learning of current material, standard academic performance, quality of creative self-realization/cost – 500 UAH per test);
RODOVIDtest, mandatory at the end of each quarter (4 times a year/academic performance, creativity, inclinations, preferences, early career guidance, and future specializations/cost – 1000 UAH. It is our priority to offer secondary education for FREE, therefore it’s possible to never take any paid tests. RODOVID program will be provided for all 11 years unconditionally and without interruptions. In this case, however, the school and the governing bodies of education do not have the opportunity to assess one or another level of preparation of the Child.
RODOVIDeducation is the most universal package of educational genealogy program in 22 academic subjects (those in all schools) and 18 unique subjects (see the window RODOVIDTeacher, which are not to be found in any school in the world: sources of Ukrainian identity, Tripolska culture and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, IT startups, and IT industry, space ecosystem of the world, industrial microbiology, preventive medicine, fortification of mass-market goods, psychology of family relations and many things what make us incomparable);
unity with our philosophy, skills, and managing a group – and all our requirements for Children and Parents.
Studying at the RODOVIDschool is not a process, but a family affair. Therefore, there are no verticals, like a teacher or pedagogue teaches – the student or pupil accepts, all in absolute co-creation and team play.
The RODOVIDschool is about boundless ripples coming from a stone of thirst for knowledge thrown a long time ago, ripples along the quiet Synevir in the Carpathians. Hence, the methods of our school are radically different from other respected educational institutions because they are constantly changing, like any living organism – constantly growing and recovering. We are all here – to the glory of Life!