V.I. Vernadsky — Ukrainian scientist and philosopher


Ukraine today is the epicenter and the source of a human identity! Through bloody war, horror, pain, fear, and death, we have demonstrated to earthlings an unbreakable will founded in universal human values. The beehive people, the pinnacle of unity and interaction in striving for Victory and the restoration of peaceful life. No wonder Herodotus in the IV century BC wrote: “The Black Sea region is a cauldron of the white race.” (Do you know what’s over the Black Sea?)


To share with you the unconditional happiness and joy and adopted human values in space and time called life, having learned to live it with quality, in harmony with yourself and the world, regardless of gender, age, religion, social status, or wealth, or all kinds of illusions. All of us are, first of all, People!

School Philosophy

“We are eternal while children are born! But what this eternity is, depends on education.”

The joint creation of skills and competencies combined with quality motivation, instead of instruction, through interest and self-discovery, is the main method of our school. Education – Oh, what a world you are!: infinite, unfathomable, fascinating, attractive. We are one with you because matter and energy are all information, the Absolute. Child a priori receives an unconditioned reflex of taking pride in the words: I know! I know myself, I know the environment, I know the universe!

“Know your land… yourself, your family, your people, your land – and you will see the way into life. The path on which your abilities will be fully revealed. You will give them the continuation, repeat the path, and from that path, your descendants have already started their lives. So will you,” said HryhoriySkovoroda.

Why does the rainfall, the Sun shines, and Father fall in love with Mother and why does everyone is so eager for this love? What is a Human and how to be a Human? Is a person a body, a spirit, or both, and something else? And why, for what, and to whom do we come into this life?

The basis of a developed, successful, strong state is its citizens, people with strong values, and the right worldview, who respect each other, are not afraid to take responsibility for themselves and their country, independent and interdependent at the same time. The notion of ANCESTRY can be seen as the natural center of the deepest human feelings, as a place where love for Father and Mother, Grandmother and Grandfather, your family, respect for your native language, your people, history, and culture are rooted. Family is what forms the state.

The memory of your ancestry, and your history, is supplemented and enriched with knowledge that will help to create a strong and developed society. Family is the spiritual center of personality formation. And we want a school not to be separated from the family, on the contrary –we want it to be the continuation of the family.

RODOVID school creates space for the holistic development of a child’s personality. Here they teach self-knowledge, motivate others to learn the world and gain knowledge, and strengthen morality, strong spirit, and unity as the basis of personal development.


  • caring for the comprehensive development of the Child – intellectual, spiritual, and physical;
  • socialization and fostering a love for active social life;
  • attention to the development of labor skills and the disclosure of a child’s creative abilities through self-knowledge and harmony with nature as well as society;
  • creating a balance between study and leisure.

Our principles:

  • Humanism
  • Relationship with culture and nature
  • Taking into account age and individual characteristics
  • Independence
  • Initiative
  • Connection with self and motivation to unity, and interaction with peers.

Childhood is a happy, carefree time, and the school should not spoil it, but make it even happier and fill it with content, and knowledge that will be absorbed by students easily and with pleasure. Every Child is smart, talented, and special. The main thing is not to lose this treasure, to help it flourish and develop its best qualities. And RODOVID knows how to do it.

From kin to kin, life throws its bridges,
without its roots, a garden never blooms,
without a yearning, boats never sail,
without the roots, all living dry out.
Volodymyr Vykhrushch